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Public Awareness Programs
The objective of this programme is to improve the student’s and public perception about myths of ionizing radiation and to inform them on the safe use of nuclear energy and radiation technology for peaceful and beneficial purposes.
The inaugural session is followed by series of scientific lectures on following topics:
1. “Radiation Quantities, Units and Effects”
Fundamentals of Nuclear physics (atom, alpha, beta, gamma, X-ray), types of radiation, radioactivity in environment, various radiation sources & radiation exposure, principle of radiation protection, radiation units and quantities etc.
2. “Principle of Radiation Detection”
Principle of radiation detection and counting techniques. Various detector systems like scintillation counter, GM counter, dosimeters (TLD /digital dosimeter), survey meter etc. Interaction of radiation with matter.
3.“Radiation Protection & Monitoring”
Radiation protection policy on hazard control for external/internal exposure and external/internal contamination. Methods of decontamination.
4. “Nuclear Energy programme and application of Radiation Technology”
Briefing about the three stage Indian nuclear energy programme, functioning of a nuclear power station, safety features of a nuclear power station and waste management.
5. “Beneficial Effects of Radiation Technology”
Briefing on peaceful uses of nuclear radiation i.e. about the uses of radioisotopes in nuclear medicine in health care & cancer treatment, sterilisation of medical products, food irradiation and industrial applications were also briefed.
Lecture sessions are followed by practical demonstration in batches. The participants get hands-on experience with different types of radiation measuring instruments. The practical training includes
1. Gamma Spectrometry
2. Activity estimation using gross alpha and beta counting systems
3. Radiation monitoring kits, Personal protective gears
The session is closed with a special talk on “Scientific Carrier Opportunities”
RSO NG IARP Training Calender 2025
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