Member Fees

Membership Subscription Details

Sr No Class of Membership Admission Fee Membership Fee Total
1 Member : (Annual)
Residing in India
Residing outside India
INR Rs. 50.00 INR Rs. 500.00 INR Rs. 550.00
a Developing Countries US $ 5.00 US $ 15.00 US $ 20.00
b Other Countries US $ 15.00 US $ 55.00 US $ 70.00
2 Life Member
Residing in India
Residing outside India
INR Rs. 50.00 INR Rs. 1500.00 INR Rs. 1550.00
a Developing Countries US $ 10.00 US $ 100.00 US $ 110.00
b Other Countries US $ 15.00 US $ 400.00 US $ 415.00
3 Institution Member India INR Rs. 50.00 INR Rs. 2000.00 INR Rs. 2050.00
4 Library Subscription (Annual)
(for the quarterly publication – Journal of Radiation Protection & Environment)
Institutions in India Library/educational institutions INR Rs. 600.00
Other institutions INR Rs. 1000.00
a Institutions outside India
2 Developing countries Library/educational institutions US $ 50.00
Other institutions US $ 75.00
b Developed countries US $ 75.00
Other institutions US $ 100.00