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Contributions should be brief with relevant scientific/technical details in the form of an extended abstract of one page, not exceeding 500 words. The objective of the study should be clearly stated in the introduction of the abstract. The extended abstract should be of two column type containing Title, Affiliation, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussions, and References, strictly as per the Template. A maximum of only three most relevant references should be included in the abstract and listed as per the template. References in text should be indicated as given in the template. In the reference list, the author’s name should be followed by initials, year of publication within parentheses, the journal in which it appeared, volume number and the page numbers. SI units should be used throughout. The illustrations such as big figures and long tables should be avoided as far as possible, unless they are essential.
The template of the abstract can be downloaded from the AOCRP6 website. The contribution
must be submitted ONLINE (electronically) through the abstract submission facility of AOCRP6
website (www.aocrp6.com) before the closing date. Abstracts submitted via e-mail, fax or
regular mail will neither be accepted nor acknowledged.
Abstract submitted for presentation in the congress will be reviewed independently by the
members of the Scientific Programme Committee and experts in the field. The intimation will be sent to the authors post the acceptance of abstracts. A book of abstract (only electronic/online version) including abstracts of invited talks will be published and distributed during the congress. Manuscripts selected by our Scientific Programme Committee will be published in a peer reviewed journal. Last date for abstract is 30/06/2022. The acceptance of the abstracts will be intimated before 15/09/2022.
Dr. S.K. Jha
Convener, Scientific Programme Committee,
Health Physics Division,
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Trombay, Mumbai 400 085, India
E-mail : aocrp6@gmail.com
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